[PDF] Integrated Teacher’s Guide Nursery Two (ALL SUBJECTS)






This Smart Start Nursery 2 course has been developed specifically to meet the requirements of the National Early Childhood Curriculum for ages 0–5 years in Nigeria.

As emphasised in the curriculum, Smart Start Nursery 2 is based on the following:
• The provision of excellent care and support for young children.
• An enabling environment for children to survive, grow and thrive physically, socially,
emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.
• An integrated approach that comprises programmes in health, nutrition, water and
environmental sanitation, psychological care, early learning, child protection and rights.
• The preparation of children for a smooth transition into primary school, so ensuring universal access to primary education.

What is an integrated approach to ECD?
As emphasised in the curriculum, Smart Start Nursery 2 is based on the integrated approach to early childhood development (ECD).

An integrated approach means the presentation of content in broad, all-encompassing themes rather than in isolated units. This ensures the all-round development of the child. The curriculum identifies eight themes for ECD and specifies further topics under each theme. The eight themes are:
• Food and Nutrition
• Affective/Psychosocial Development
• Cognitive Development
• Health
• Safety Measures
• Protection Issues
• Physical Development
• Water and Environmental Development.

How is Smart Start Nursery 2 organised?
Smart Start Nursery 2 presents a unified scheme of work, which is based on the themes and topics of
the curriculum. The scheme of work is arranged into eight teachable Nursery 2 subjects, which are:
• Physical and Health Education (PHE)
• Social Habits
• Letter Work
• Number Work
• Food and Nutrition
• Health Habits
• Basic Science & Technology
• Civic Education.
Each subject is further divided into weekly teachable topics that cover the three terms of the
academic year in Nursery 2. Revision and assessment activities are included at the end of each term.

What resources are available for Smart Start Nursery 2?
Smart Start Nursery 2 offers the following resources:
1. Smart Start Nursery 2 Letter Work Workbook
2. Smart Start Nursery 2 Number Work Workbook
3. Smart Start Nursery 2 Civic Education Workbook
4. Smart Start Nursery 2 Basic Science & Technology Workbook
5. Smart Start Nursery 2 Integrated Teacher’s Guide

Each Workbook is divided into three terms, with each term consisting of topics that should cover at least one week’s worth of work each. There are revision and assessment activities at the end of each term.

This Smart Start Nursery 2 Integrated Teacher’s Guide includes the following:
• An overview of weekly teachable topics for each subject in each term.
• A list of resources needed to teach each subject for each week.
• Suggested teaching guidelines for each subject for each week.
• Criteria for diagnostic assessment (incorporating the expected developmental milestones for
4-year-olds and the early childhood screening tests, as prescribed in the curriculum).
• Performance objectives for regular continuous assessment of each child in each subject.
• End-of-term assessment charts for each child in each subject.

How to use this Smart Start Nursery 2 Integrated Teacher’s Guide
This Smart Start Nursery 2 Integrated Teacher’s Guide is aimed at helping you to plan, implement and assess a unified scheme of work, which is based on weekly teachable topics for the three terms of the academic year in Nursery 2. In order to do this effectively, you should do the
• Familiarise yourself with the structure and key features of this Integrated Teacher’s Guide.
• Use the Overview at the start of each term to get an idea of the topics to be covered for each subject in each week of that term.
• Collect and prepare the Resources needed for each week ahead of the time.
• Follow the notes in the Suggested teaching guidelines for teaching each subject within each week.
• Follow the suggestions for any Remedial activity or Extension activity in order to cater for the different ability levels of the children in your class.
• Refer to the sections on Diagnostic assessment or Continuous assessment at the end of the teaching notes for each week to check whether the children in your class are reaching their developmental milestones or achieving the objectives for Nursery 2 respectively.

Please note that it is recommended that you follow this course week by week, as presented in this Integrated Teacher’s Guide, so that the full benefits of a unified scheme of work are achieved. It is also recommended that, depending on your school or centre’s language policy, you help the
children to understand concepts and acquire new skills in their home language first, before you teach them the English words, phrases and sentences used in this course.


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