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FG Rejects Parents Plea On School Resumption, Insists On Online Learning

Pleas by school owners, stakeholders in the education sector, parents, and students have met a dead end as the Federal Government again rejected suggestions for reopening of schools and resumption of academic activities nationwide.

This, the apex government argues, was the right call as the nation was yet to win the war against the deadly coronavirus and at such, reopening schools amid the pandemic portends dangers to both students and others who make up the school community.

Besides, the government stressed that with the current situation of things, schools, higher institutions, and other citadels of learning should as a matter of importance continue to adopt online learning methods till such times total control is gained against the virus.

The Minister of Health, Dr. Osagie Ehanire, who gave the government position during the Presidential Task Force (PFT) on COVID-19 100th-day briefing in Abuja on Friday, revealed that the apex government was yet to fix a date for resumption of schools.

He noted that the government will not be cajoled by pleas and agitations from education stakeholders pushing for the reopening of schools as the President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration will continue to monitor situations and give approval for reopening when the coast is clear for such.

“There is no fixed date on the schools’ resumption. The Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 is studying the situation, carrying out reviews every two and four weeks to access the situation and judge when it is safe.

“The Federal Government is taking very seriously the balance between safety and preventing disease explosion, and the opening of schools.

“We are encouraging schools to embrace online training and education as much as possible.

“As soon as the details are established and the risk of transmission is measured and established, then, schools will reopen,” the Minister said.

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