CBN Launches 2021 Social Media Challenge For Young, Talented Nigerians | PARTICIPATE AND WIN PRIZES

Central Bank of Nigeria is inviting young and talented Nigerians to compete in the 2021 Social Media Challenge.
To commemorate the 2021 Global Money Week (GMW), the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is organising a social media contest called the “Global Money Challenge” where youths can showcase their talents, artworks and skills.
Applicants are meant to Showcase their talents, artworks, and skills by posting a 120 seconds video or a photo on how you can Take Care of Yourself and Take Care of Your Money.
Winners in the challenge stand a chance to win an Apple MacBook Pro, HP Pavilion x360, Apple ipad Pro!
Scholarship Summary
Host: Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)
Category: Competitions
Eligible Country: Nigeria
Age: 18-35 Years
Reward: Apple MacBook Pro, HP Pavilion x360, Apple ipad Pro!
Deadline: March 26, 2021
To be eligible for participation in the contest, entrants must fulfil/meet the following:
a) Participants must be persons between the ages of 18 and 35 years and must be resident in Nigeria.
b) Employees, officers or agents of the CBN, Financial Institutions and other Financial Regulators are not eligible to participate in the challenge;
c) Entrants must have genuine social media account(s) such as Instagram, Twitter and must follow all CBN social media handles, namely:
- Facebook: @cenbankng
- Instagram: @centralbankng
- Twitter: @cenbank
Participants can make only single entry on the social media platforms, Instagram or Twitter.
d) Instagram profile must be a public profile to enter for the challenge;
e) Winners shall provide proof of address and age, birth certificate and/or affidavit, Utility bill and any other valid means of identification for prizes to be awarded.
Prizes for the contest would be specified on the CBN social media platforms;
(a) Only top ten (10) entries will be shortlisted and invited for the Grand Finale;
(b) Results of the Global Money Challenge shall be announced on all the CBN social media platforms within 15 days of the closure of the competition. The announcement may include publication of the name(s), photographs, locations and details of the prize of each prize winner;
(c) Virtual Grand Finale involving the selection and announcement of winners on Tuesday March 30th, 2021;
(d) Winners would receive their prizes not more than 30 days after the virtual Grand Finale ceremony;
(e) Reasonable efforts would be made to contact winners for at least 5 days. In the absence of a response from a preferred winner, a reserved winner may be considered for the prize. The CBN shall not be responsible and shall be absolved of any liability as a result of the failure to respond by the preferred winner of any prize. However, if the winner fails to respond to our notification attempts within this time or fails to meet any of the eligibility requirements or is otherwise unable to comply with the contest terms and conditions, we reserve the right to disqualify that entrant and offer the prize to the next eligible entrant.
(a) Determination of the winners of the contest by the Panel of Judges shall be based on the following:
o Creative Content;
o Correct use of established Hashtags;
o Number of Likes.
(b) Video entries shall be for a maximum duration/length of 120 seconds;
(c) Picture entries shall be of high-resolution quality;
(d) Only entries that meet the eligibility requirements shall be considered for the contest and subjected to review by the Panel of Judges.
(a) Participants shall ensure that all entries made are created by them and shall ensure that such entries do not constitute infringements on the rights of third parties. By their entries, participants automatically take responsibility and shall be liable to any claims of intellectual property rights infringements that may be made by third parties and the CBN shall be fully absolved of such responsibility or liability.
(b) By their entries, participants shall grant to the CBN, exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual and irrevocable license to copy, store, edit, distribute, transmit and publish their entries.
(c) To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you irrevocably and unconditionally waive your rights to be identified as the author of your contest entries and to object to any derogatory treatment of your contest entries.
(d) The CBN may undertake publicity activities relating to contests and prize awards. The winners therefore agree to the use of their names, photographs and disclosure of town or region of residence in any post-prize-winning publicity names, surnames, towns or regions of residence and prize details.
Method of Application
Follow our Social Media handles and post your best #CBNGMW2021 #TakeCareOfYourMoney shot and mention @cenbank on Twitter or @centralbankng on Instagram for a chance to win.
Post your photo or video to Twitter or Instagram using #CBNGMW2021 #TakeCareOfYourMoney and mention @cenbank on Twitter or @centralbankng on Instagram
Deadline: March 26, 2021