Update on the Suspended Recruitment into NCS, INEC, NSCDC, NIS, ICPC & NDLEA

The Federal Government has suspended all recruitments indefinitely due to the covid-19 outbreak, leaving applicants in a state of confusion.

Nearly all the paramilitary organizations were affected, some paramilitary institution were at the concluding end of their recruitments before the outbreak and the lockdown of the nation
The affected organizations whose services are essential to the nation include: Nigerian Civil Defense Corp, Independent National Electoral Commission, and Nigerian Drug Law Enforcement Agency
Nigerian Custom Service, Nigeria Immigration Service, Independent Corrupt Practice and other related offenses Commission have been put on hold for now. Many applicant have expressed doubt if the recruitment will still go on, however below are five facts that we can deduce about theses recruitments so far;
Recruitment suspended, not cancelled
The recruitments from the above named organizations were only suspended due to the containment effort put in place to stop the spread of the covid-19 pandemic. It was not suspended due to paucity of funds as you might have been led to believe.
Large gathering further the spread of the virus, so the need to discontinue the recruitment process became imperative.
Nigeria Center for Disease Control and Prevention categorically advised the Federal Government to discourage gathering up to 20 persons.
Continuing the recruitment will endanger the lives of applicants and that of their immediate family and friends and loved ones .
The Services Provided Are Captured in Exclusive List and Very Important to the Nation
The nation is under-staff in terms of security personnel; the Federal government is on the verge of bridging this gap, to this end, more than 70 thousand paramilitary staff are needed, according to the national conference report 2014.
The federal government is leaving no stone unturned to meet up with the required numbers of military and paramilitary personnel needed to govern the 200 million Nigerian population.
The government started by giving at least 4,500 to 6000 slots to each paramilitary institutions in Nigeria, these institutions are well funded and are very vital to the nation’s development
Budgeted Funds for Recruitment are Intact
A glance at the 2020 budget gives a clear detail of funds budgeted for Federal Government recruitment, though times are tough and the budget was slashed by 20% (one trillion naira), Military and Paramilitary organizations were not affected.
The Minister of Finance and governor of the economic did not touch personnel cost of the some Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA).
This means that, Salaries and funds needed to pay salaries and conduct the recruitments are adequately provided for.
Recruitment into the Military and paramilitary organizations have never been halted
The 2007 Global Economic Meltdown and 2015 Economic recession are examples of hard times when paramilitary and military recruitment still held.
Even in the face of economic fallout, the nation’s security is of utmost priority and importance. No government jokes with it.
The current Covid-19 pandemic and the fall in the oil price might weaken the economy but may not affect the intake or increase in numerical strength of securities bodies
Procurements of military and paramilitary equipment may be put on hold.
Recruitment will continue After the Pandemic and Lockdown
The Federal Government is waiting for the pandemic to be over so as to ease the lockdown and open the economy for business
When this becomes a reality, there will be continuation of the held recruitment; other paramilitary organizations will open their doors for new entrant
There are much hopes the country and the world at large will come back to normal soon, vaccines for the deadly corona virus are currently been developed and tested.
There have been successes in the test of covid-19 vaccines in the UK, India and the United State.