Telegram is one of the best communications apps around the world. People usually use Telegram for managing their communities and promotions.
Startup companies or ongoing projects use Telegram for bringing audience attention to their products and services. Telegram Members are engaging with the community! This is what we all want. Engaged members will help to grow the community.
In this step by step guide, you will be able to use Telegram API extract group members.
To be able to extract/export users from any group (you must be a group member), follow this guide step by step. You will be able to extract all users in any group by username and user ID. The extracted usernames will be exported into a .csv file that you can easily open in Excel.
This username and user ID extraction is done using Python programming language. If you don’t have a prior knowledge of Python, don’t worry. The guide is so simple and it will be explained step by step that you can even perform the actions while closing both eyes
As a bonus, I have included 30k+ .csv list of Telegram usernames and user ID.
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